his eyes were electric

Billie (Evelyn) Frechette

“There was something in his eyes I will never forget,” Billie

facing fear


the true story of Evelyn Frechette

Facing fear

On Sale Now.....

Facing Fear reveals the hidden life of Evelyn Frechette, John Dillinger’s girlfriend. An incredible woman who faced the unthinkable.

Facing Fear Book


The Menominee have survived for over 10,000 years in this area and are indigenous to the State of Wisconsin.
Native American genocide
Riggs Indian Boarding School
Army Lieutenant Richard Henry Pratt, his immortal words, “Kill the Indian, Save the Man.”


In boarding school, Indians were stripped of clothing, sent to bath houses, where they were placed in kerosene and their genitals were scrubbed with lye soap.
Indian Boarding Schools 1930s
After US soldiers lost the battle against the Indians, the government contracted the railroad companies to slaughter buffalo herds by the thousands, to try and starve them out.


Christianity made its mission to civilize Indians by whatever means necessary, because they were an ignorant race who must be shown the way to heaven.
native american genocide
great depression 1930s

The Turn of Events

devastated Evelyn

but she was serving time for her involvement in the bank robberies. After her release, she wrote a booklet about her experience.

Facing Fear reveals the hidden life of Evelyn Frechette, John Dillinger’s girlfriend. An incredible woman who faced the unthinkable.

Evelyn Frechette - Florida 1930s
Evelyn Frechette


Evelyn said she was 25 years old, just like any other girl. Life was horrifying until she met Johnnie.
Facing Fear | Evelyn Frechette & John Dillinger
In the Olympic Lounge, a gentleman was introduced to Evelyn as Jack Harris. There was an instant attraction.

John Dillinger

Billie later stated, she did not know for a long time he was the John Dillinger everybody under the sun was looking for.
Billie Frechette and John Dillinger


The escape was well planned. Once the couple arrived in Chicago they switched to an 1933 Essex Terraplane 8 that Billie had purchased.
1933 Essex John Dillinger - Bullet holes
34 John Dillinger Hideout

John was not satisfied by just giving Billie a ring. They made plans to marry and run away together.


May 23, despite all efforts in Billie’s defense she was convicted. A fine of $I,000 and 2 years in the federal prison.
416 North State Street, Chicago, Illinois
July 22, 1934 Billie gets news that her beloved Johnnie was gunned down by government agents upon leaving the Biograph Theater in Chicago, Illinois.

Evelyn said, I WAS


Johnnie replied, “Where have you been all my life?”

Facing Fear depicts the true story of Evelyn (Billie) Frechette, the beloved companion of John Dillinger. The unyielding violence that ravaged the Native American Race made survival extremely dangerous.


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